Edward A. Rubin, CV


Academic positions

Assistant Professor, University of Oregon, Department of Economics, 2018–present


B.S. Mathematics, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2007
M.S. Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2013
M.S. Statistics, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2013
M.S. Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley, 2015
Ph.D. Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley, 2018
Committee: Maximilian Auffhammer, Meredith Fowlie, Reed Walker

Primary interests: Environmental & Energy Economics, Applied Econometrics & Data Science, Inequality & Public Policy
Secondary interests: Health Economics, Development Economics, Criminal Justice


Glyphosate exposure and GM seed rollout unequally reduced perinatal health
Emmett Reynier and Edward Rubin. 2025. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA). 122(3).

The strategic local geography of US electricity emissions
John Morehouse and Edward Rubin. (Accepted). Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.

Customer Discrimination in the Workplace: Evidence from Online Sales
Erin Kelley, Gregory Lane, Edward Rubin, and Matthew Pecenco. 2026 (Accepted). Journal of Labor Economics.

Strategic Shutdowns of Air Quality Monitors: Evidence from Jersey City and Across the U.S.
Yingfei Mu, Edward Rubin, and Eric Zou. 2024. The Review of Economics and Statistics.

Quantifying heterogeneity in the price elasticity of residential natural gas
Edward Rubin and Maximilian Auffhammer. 2024. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 11(2).

The Economic Impact of Critical Habitat Designation: Evidence from Vacant-Land Transactions
Maximilian Auffhammer, Maya Duru, Edward Rubin, and David L. Sunding. 2020. Land Economics, 96(2), 188–206.

Bringing Satellite-Based Air-Quality Estimates Down to Earth
Meredith Fowlie, Edward Rubin, and Reed Walker. 2019. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 109: 283-88.

(Book) Data Science for Public Policy
Jeffrey Chen, Edward Rubin, and Gary Cornwall. 2021. Springer.

Working papers

Gun policy and the steel paradox: Evidence from Oregunians
Katie Bollman, Benjamin Hansen, Edward Rubin, and Garrett Stanford

When we change the clock, does the clock change us?
Patrick Baylis, Severin Borenstein, and Edward Rubin

Unequal avoidance: Disparities in smoke-induced out-migration
M. Steven Holloway and Edward Rubin

What can we machine learn (too much of) in 2SLS? Insights from a bias decomposition
Connor Lennon, Edward Rubin, and Glen Waddell

Research in progress

Declining power-plant emissions, co-benefits, and regulatory rebound
Meredith Fowlie, Edward Rubin, and Catherine Wright

Environmental prediction for diverse policy contexts
Andrew Dickinson and Edward Rubin

Are our hopes too high? Testing cannabis legalization’s potential to reduce criminalization
Edward Rubin

Do aerially applied pesticides affect local air quality? Empirical evidence from California’s San Joaquin Valley
Edward Rubin

Correlated exposures
Pilar Mullican and Edward Rubin

Mismeasurement in exposure and access: Insights from cellphone data
Edward Rubin

Interactions between measurement error and policy
Edward Rubin

How salient are environmental risks? The short- and long-run effects of lead exposure in piped water
Edward Rubin


EC607: Econometrics (III): Causal inference

EC524: Econometrics (II): Prediction and machine learning

EC421: Introduction to Econometrics (II)

ARE 212: Econometrics - Multiple Equation Estimation

  • University of California, Berkeley: Spring 2017, Spring 2018
  • Doctoral level: taught recitation section and built section website/notes

STAT 380: Statistics and Applications

  • University of Nebraska–Lincoln: Summer 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013
  • Undergraduate level: sole instructor for the course

STAT 218: Introduction to Statistics

  • University of Nebraska–Lincoln: Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Fall 2011
  • Undergraduate level: sole instructor for the course

Grants, awards, etc.

(Grant) International Growth Centre with Anshuman Tiwari and Shefali Khanna, The Heterogeneous Impacts of Air Pollution on Workers, £18,842

(Grant) Arnold Ventures with Benjamin Hansen, Marijuana and the Minimum Legal Purchase Age, 2025–2027 , $298,951

(Grant) US EPA with Meredith Fowlie, A Retrospective Analysis of Indirect Air Quality Benefits from Power-Sector Emissions Reductions, 2021, $24,919

(Grant) Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, The Workshop for Environmental Economics and Data Science, 2020–2022, $30,000

(Grant) University of Oregon Data-Science Initiative Seed Funding, The Workshop for Environmental Economics and Data Science, 2019–2020, $9,989

(Grant) University of Oregon (Program Grant), The Workshop for Environmental Economics and Data Science, Fall 2019, $2,000

US EPA EmPOWER Air Data Challenge Winner with Meredith Fowlie, Economic and Environmental Trade-offs Associated with Carbon Mitigation Co-Benefits An Empirical Study Leveraging Declines in Power Plant Emissions and Advances in Data Analytics, 2019–2020

(Grant) Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries (PEDL) (Exploratory Research Grant) with Erin Kelley, Gregory Lane, and Matthew Pecenco, Can online marketplaces reduce barriers to growth for small firms? 2018–2019, £31,000

Outstanding Graduate-Student Instructor, UC Berkeley, 2018

(Grant) Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries (PEDL) (Exploratory Research Grant) with Erin Kelley and Matthew Pecenco, The Impact of Consumer-Side Discrimination on Firm Productivity in East Africa, 2017–2018, £13,000

(Grant) Giannini Foundation (Mini-Grant) with Maximilian Auffhammer, 2017–2018

(Grant) UC Berkeley ARE Summer Grant, 2016

GAANN Fellowship 2013–2015


2025: NBER The Determinants of Mortality

2024: LEEP (University of Exeter), UCSB Bren, AERE Annual Summer Conference, Oregon State Policy, EAERE Summer School, Toulouse School of Economics, Paris School of Economics

2023: EPIC Junior Workshop (UChicago)

2022: UC Berkeley ARE, GRIPS, Oregon State, EAERE Annual Conference, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

2021: AERE Remote Conference, RFF/EPA, CU Environmental & Resource Economics Workshop

2020: ASSA Annual Meeting, AERE Remote Conference, Duke Energy Data Analytics Symposium, RFF/EPA

2019: Western Economic Association Internation (WEAI) Annual Conference

2018: The Occasional Workshop; World Congress of Environmental Economics (WCERE); UC Berkeley, Computational Text Analysis Working Group; University of Oregon, Economics

2017: IGC-PEDL Workshop at Oxford; Heartland Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop; Berkeley Development Economics Lunch; Camp Resources; AAEA Annual Meeting; UC Berkeley, Summer Econ. Research Seminar; AERE Annual Summer Conference; 22nd Annual POWER Conference on Energy Research and Policy

2016: UC Berkeley, Environmental and Resource Economics Seminar

2015: UC Berkeley, Environmental and Resource Economics Seminar

2013: University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Statistics Departmental Seminar

2012: International Conference of Agricultural Economists (poster)

Academic service


  • PhD committee chair Andrew Dickinson (co-chair; in-progress); Mary Kopriva (Wade) (co-chair); Connor Lennon (co-chair); Emmett Reynier (co-chair; in-progress); Garrett Stanford (chair)
  • PhD dissertation committee Christie Downs (Finance; in-progress); Claire Lepault (Paris School of Economics); Steven (Marcus) Holloway; Sichao Jiang; Woocheol Kim (Marketing); Kyu Matsuzawa; Robert McDonough; Max Mindock; John Morehouse; Jenni Putz; Meysam Rabiee (Operations and Analytics); Steven Walton (Computer Science; in-progress); Kyle Wilson; Micaela Wood (in-progress)
  • Masters Pilar Mullican
  • Undergraduate Joseph Andersen (department; advisor), Zoë Arnaut (honors; reader); Eleanor Franks (honors; reader); Kara Krnacik (honors; chair); Aidan Pott (honors; chair); Sam Schroeder (honors; chair; in-progress)




  • Computing: R, Python, Stata, Julia, QGIS, MATLAB, Mathematica, SAS
  • Design: LaTeX, Markdown, Adobe Suite Design Suite, Microsoft Suite


  • English (fluent)
  • Spanish (conversational)
