the Online Summer Workshop in Environment, Energy, and Transportation (Economics)
What? |
One Friday each month, we will host an online seminar series with three short presentations (15 minutes each)—followed by a happy (half) hour! Papers and videos will not be circulated. |
Who? |
For presenters, we’re targeting graduate students, postdocs, and early-career assistant professors. We may adjust selection based upon supply. There will be no discussants, but we will provide a time for questions after each paper. We will try and cluster papers by topic. The organizers of AERE@OSWEET include Xinming Du (NUS); Ariel Ortiz-Bobea (Cornell); Ed Rubin (Oregon); Katherine Wagner (UBC). |
When? |
Friday; see schedule below. |
Where? |
Zoom. We will send out a Zoom link to presenters and audience members. Register to receive emails here. |
More? |
This workshop is a supportive and constructive environment to present research (but you still have to bring your own beer/coffee/snacks to happy hour). |
Interested? Please join the mailing list and/or apply to present! (And tell your friends.)
Upcoming session
Natural resources: 2025/03/14
Friday, 14 March 2025, 11AM-12PM Pacific (2PM–3PM Eastern), followed by happy half-hour
Register for Zoom link here.
Join the mailing list or submit a talk.
11:00AM PT
(2:00PM ET)
Moral hazard in timber auctions: Evidence from the mountain pine beetle outbreak
Ken Jung (Yale)
11:20AM PT
(2:20PM ET)
Economic importance of hunting for rural households amidst shocks: Evidence from 23 countries
Prachi Jhamb (Georgia)
11:40AM PT
(2:40PM ET)
Donkey business: Trade, resource exploitation, and crime
Lucas Corrêa-Dias (EESP-FGV)
12:00PM PT
(3:00PM ET)
Happy half-hour
Past sessions
The Forest-infrastructure tradeoff: Local distributional impacts of clearing forests for infrastructure
Sunny Mitra (UC Berkeley)
Labour vs. coal: Input substitution in the Indian manufacturing sector
Raavi Aggarwal (ISI)
Shifts in agricultural practices: Evidence from India
Shreya Mishra (IIML)
Disaster and disparity: The heterogeneous effects of hurricanes on Louisiana’s rental market
Haishan Yang (Minnesota)
Urban redevelopment and gentrification: Evidence from Atlanta BeltLine
Yixuan Wang (Ohio State)
Levees and levies: Local financing of climate infrastructure maintenance and housing market dynamics
Yichun Fan (MIT)
Work-residence pollution exposure gap in the United States
Devika Chirimar (Georgetown)
Cargo ships and coastal smog
Philip Economides (Texas Tech)
Air pollution and avoidance behavior: Evidence from daily activities in the US
Xinhui Sun (UIUC)
Irrigation infrastructure and agricultural development in the long run: Evidence from the Senegal River Valley
Joel Ferguson (Stanford)
Understanding the drivers of cover crop adoption in the US Midwest using satellite data
Na Zhang (UIUC)
Compensation mechanism, program scale, and the efficiency of payment for ecosystem services programs
Micah Cameron-Harp (Kansas State)
Adulterated spice: Lead poisoning, crime, and fertility
Xinming Du (Columbia)
Noise pollution and mental health
Kaiyi Wen (Binghamton)
Effects of community sanitation behavior on women anemia: Evidence from ten Sub-Saharan African Countries
Ammazia Hanif (Tsukuba)
Gold Plate or Glint? Identifying the Effect of Competition on Capital Investment in US Power Plants
Madeline Yozwiak (Indiana)
The Tragedy of the Common Heating Bill
Harald Mayr (Zurich)
Effect of contract design in renewable energy auctions
Anshuman Bhakri (Boston College)
Expansion of piped water and sewer networks: The effects of regulation
Carolina Tojal R. dos Santos (Michigan)
Bridging economic disparities: The role of bike lanes in enhancing low-income accessibility
Hugo Cordeau (Toronto)
Bottle redemption, wealth transfers, and informal wages
Maya Norman (Columbia)
Estimating the indirect costs of floods: Evidence from high-tide flooding
Seunghoon Lee (Missouri)
Subsidizing technology adoption under treatment effect heterogeneity: The case of rainwater harvesting in Mexico City
Javier Alejandro Lopez-Aguilar (Maryland)
Large-scale mining and local impacts: Evidence from Mongolia
Odmaa Narantungalag (Denver)
Postharvest losses from weather and climate change: Evidence from 1.2 million truckloads
Sarah Smith (UC Davis)
Weather stations and agricultural productivity: Evidence from historical data in the US
Vaibhav Anand (St. John’s)
Efficiency and redistribution in environmental policy: An equilibrium analysis of agricultural supply chains
Tomas Dominguez-Iino (Chicago Booth)
Estimating the Social Cost of Methane with the GIVE Model
Lisa Rennels (UC Berkeley)
How to Better Predict the Effect of Urban Traffic and Weather on Air Pollution?
Norwegian Evidence from Machine Learning Approaches
Cong Cao (Caltech)
International Climate Finance: Carbon Mitigation, Welfare Effects, and Optimal Allocation
Naixin Huang (Harvard)
The equilibrium effects of anti-deforestation policies: Evidence from Brazil
Veronica Salazar Restrepo (LSE)
When growth stumbles, pollute? Trade war, environmental enforcement, and pollution
Xinming Du (National University of Singapore)
Cleaning the air? The causal effects of traffic restrictions
Maurizio Malpede (Verona)
Corruption and energy reliability evidence from US electricity
Labanya Roy (Middle Tennessee State)
Evaluating power sector emissions under China’s regional carbon ETS pilots: A view from space
Ruoyu Chen (Windsor)
Policy trade-offs due to complimentary resource consumption: PV adoption and residential water use
Alecia Cassidy (Alabama)
Toxic Recycling: Used lead-acid battery processing’s negative effect on test scores in Mexico
Erin Litzow (UBC)
The persistent health effect of defoliating Vietnam
Nguyen Vuong (Wisconsin)
Restricting trade for the environment? Evidence from import restrictions on used vehicles in China
Hui Zhou (Rhode Island)
The value of weather forecasts: Labor responses to accurate and inaccurate temperature forecasts in China
Yuqi Song (Harvard)
The distributional impacts of climate change across U.S. local labor markets
Emmett Saulnier (Oregon)
The hidden costs of recycling: Lead exposure and the learning crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa
Gerald Ipapa (Delaware)
Impact of maternal exposure to PFAS on infant health outcomes
Robert Baluja (Arizona)
Dust, drought and farmland values: Evidence from California
Siddharth Kishore (UC Riverside)
Water, dust, and environmental justice: The case of agricultural water diversions
Danae Hernandez-Cortes (Arizona State)
Local institutions, resource management, and climate resilience: Evidence from federally supported conservation districts in the USA
Aparna Howlader (Chatham)
Do homebuyers value energy efficiency? Evidence from an information shock
Brendon McConnell (Southampton)
Stranded oil: Measuring companies’ reserve sensitivity to the oil price
Diego Cardoso (Purdue)
Pricing physical climate risk in the cross-section of returns
Glen Gostlow (LSE)
Inattention to the coming storm? Rising seas and sovereign credit risk
Atreya Dey (Edinburgh)
The effects of extreme wildfire and smoke events on household financial outcomes
Nitzan Tzur-Ilan (Dallas Fed)
Local crop diversity and pest diffusion
Tristan du Puy (Columbia SIPA)
Impacts of local research centers on agricultural productivity, resilience, and innovation
Shweta Bhogale (JPAL/MIT)
When clouds go dry: An integrated model of deforestation, rainfall, and agriculture
Rafael Araujo (Climate Policy Initiative)
Burying the lead: Effects of public lead service line replacements on blood lead levels and property values
Michelle Marcus (Vanderbilt)
Who benefits from park funding? Analyzing five decades of the Land and Water Conservation Fund
Andie Creel (Yale School of the Environment)
Policy-induced environmental inequality: Firm behaviors and consequent health and labor outcomes
Ran Song (National University of Singapore)
Heat stress in rails
Xinming Du (Columbia)
Does market power in agricultural markets hinder farmer climate change adaptation?
Rajat Kochhar (USC)
Occupational mobility and climate adaptation in France
Paul Stainier (UCLA)
Air pollution and mental illness
Soodeh Saberian (U Manitoba)
Non-market damages of wildfire smoke: evidence from administrative recreation data
Jacob Gellman (UC Santa Barbara)
Still your grandfather’s boiler: Estimating the effects of the Clean Air Act’s grandfathering provisions
Jack Gregory (UC Davis)
The role of local institutions in climate resilience: Historical evidence from soil conservation districts in the post-dust bowl Great Plains region
Aparna Howlader (Rhode Island)
Multinationals vs Mother Nature? The impact of multinational firms on the environment
Frederik Noack (UBC)
Internal migration and the organization of agriculture
Raahil Madhok (UBC)
Energy transition metals: Bottleneck for net-zero emissions?
Lukas Boer (DIW Berlin)
Policy legacies and energy transitions: Greening policies under sectoral reforms in Argentina and Chile
Santiago Cunial (UPenn)
Price discrimination on choice frictions in residential electricity markets
Jenya Kahn-Lang (UC Berkeley)
Burned agricultural biomass, air pollution, and crime
Abubakr Ayesh (Michigan State)
Electricity market design and market-based environmental policy in India
Shefali Khanna (Imperial College London)
Economic and demographic effects of increased flood susceptibility: Evidence from rural India
Osama Sajid (Cornell)
Stubble burning and forest fires: Effect on child height in India
Prachi Singh (EDF)
Visibility and vulnerability: Aid allocations after the 2015 Nepal earthquake
Matthew Gordon (Yale)
Does the media respond to political messaging? Evidence from local newspaper coverage of climate change
Graham Beattie (Loyola Marymount)
Regulator preferences and underinvestment in water infrastructure
Chunyu Guo (SUNY Albany)
Regional water transfer and economic growth: A synthetic control case study
Arpita Nehra (Utah State)
Near-term climate damages under flexible adaptation times
Maximilian Kotz (Potsdam)
Household responses to a corrective tax and climate change mitigation: Evidence from food waste tax
Seunghoon Lee (MIT)
Market potential for domestic herbs: A new variant of “consequentiality” for valuing contingent private goods
Twinkle Roy (Georgia)
Rethinking recycling? The effects of China’s waste-import ban on pollution relocation in the U.S.
Shan Zhang (Oregon)
Split incentives and endogenous inattention in home retrofits uptake: A story of selection on unobservables?
Stefano Cellini (Surrey)
Early warning systems, mobile technology, and cholera aversion: Evidence from rural Bangladesh
Emily Pakhtigian (Penn State)
Using targeting to optimize program design: Evidence from an energy conservation experiment
Muxi Yang (Cornell)
Optimal energy subsidies with multiple policy instruments: The case for finite-time-horizon policies
Owen Kay (Michigan)
Capital versus output subsidies with an inconsistent regulator
Asa Watten (EPA)
Decomposing the effect of renewables on the electricity sector
Paige Weber (UNC)
Does it measure up? A comparison of pollution exposure assessment techniques applied across hospitals in England
Dheeya Rizmie (Imperial College London)
Peer Effects in Electric Vehicle Adoption: Evidence from the Swedish Vehicle Market
Sebastian Tebbe (IIES)
The role of information in the Rosen-Roback framework
Ran Song (Yale-NUS)
Do subjective perceptions shape adaptation to climate change? Evidence from Bangladesh
Guglielmo Zappala (Paris School of Economics)
The cost of saving the Amazon
Rabail Chandio (Ohio State)
Choice architecture 2.0: Embedding reflection in nudges to promote low carbon diets
Sanchayan Banerjee (LSE)
Mental scarcity and collective action
Todd Guilfoos (University of Rhode Island)
Role of gender identity on conservation practice choice in an agricultural land leasing context: A lab experiment
Diya Ganguly (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)
Strategic local regulators and the efficacy of national pollution standards
Ruohao Zhang (Northwestern)
Environmental externalities and social contact: Evidence from refinery pollution in the U.S.
Xinming Du (Columbia)
Local inequalities generated by fracking, remote sensing of neighborhood transformation
Arman Khachiyan (UCSD)
Uncertainty in preferences for recharging electric vehicles
Gracia Bruchmann (Bern)
Effects of public transit fares increases on gasoline consumption: High-frequency evidence from China
Yuchen Wang (Pitt)
For whom the bridge tolls: Congestion, air pollution, and second-best road pricing
Matthew Tarduno (UC Berkeley)
Disentangling the many-to-many mapping of natural capital and ecosystem services
Ethan Addicott (Yale)
Technology transitions and the timing of environmental policy: Evidence from efficient lighting
Sarah Armitage (Harvard)
Cost-effectiveness and robustness of conservation measures in agricultural landscapes facing climate change
Charlotte Gerling (TU Berlin)
Can recycled water cure all? Coastal agriculture’s battle with seawater intrusion and groundwater overdraft
Molly Sears (UC Berkeley)
Cicadian rhythm: Insecticides, infant health, and long-term outcomes
Charles Taylor (Columbia)
Is working at home a way of adaptation to climate change?
Wensu Li (Trinity)
The dynamic impacts of floods on households: The case of Nigeria in 2012
Mook Bangalore (LSE)
The impact of drought on structural transformation in India
Sayahnika Basu (UCSD)
People use park with people: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic
Andie Creel (Yale)
Beware of side effects? Spillover evidence from a hot water intervention
Harald Mayr (ETH Zurich)
Incentives for the energy transition: Feed-in tariffs, rebates, or a hybrid design?
Marta Talevi (Yale)
Culpable consumption: Residential response to price and non-price drought measures
James Sears (UC Berkeley)
Engaging Farmers Through Tailored Information
Collin Weigel (California Air Resources Board)
The Promise of Crop Substitution Programs
James Sayre (UC Berkeley)
Climate Change, The Food Problem, and the Challenge of Adaptation through Sectoral Reallocation
Ishan Nath (Chicago)
The First to Bear the Brunt: China’s Energy Program Evaluation
Xiangyu Meng (Georgia State)
CAFE Standards or Gasoline Taxes: A Structural Study of Fuel Saving Under Different Policies
Siqi Liu (Brandeis)
Policy Design and the Effects of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards
Stephanie Weber (Yale)
Environmental regulation and firm size
Muhammad Haseeb (Geneva)
COVID-19 pandemic reveals persistent disparities in NO2 pollution
Gaige Kerr (George Washington)
The distributional consequences of environmental regulation
Danae Hernandez-Cortez (UC Santa Barbara)
Downwind and out: The strategic dispersion of power plants and their pollution
John Morehouse (Oregon)
Do credit constraints explain the energy efficiency gap? Evidence from the U.S. new vehicle market
Kevin Ankney (Georgetown)
Mining, deforestation and the global commodity boom
Victoria Wenxin Xie (Santa Clara)
The effect of shale drilling on Native lands: An IV approach
Anna Malinovskaya (Cornell)
Adaptation and mitigation of air pollution: evidence from air quality warnings
Sandra Aguilar-Gómez (Columbia)
The time-of-day travel demand elasticity paradox
Cody Nehiba (LSU)
Wind power penetration impacts on wholesale electricity market prices: Evidence from quantile regression approach
Bolarinwa Ajanaku (West Virginia)
Short- and long-run effects of electricity grid expansion
Gaurav Doshi (Wisconsin)
Theoretical and empirical evaluation of a competitive energy rebate program
Chi Ta (Illinois)
The Social Costs of NIMBYism: Evidence from Renewable Energy Projects in the United Kingdom
Stephen Jarvis (Mannheim)
Optimal Timing of Electric Vehicle Subsidies
Qingran Li (Duke)
Linking Carbon Markets with Different Initial Conditions
Matt Woerman (UMass Amherst)
Credit and attention in the adoption of profitable energy efficient technologies in Kenya
Susanna Berkouwer (Penn Wharton)
Air pollution, health, and racial disparities: Evidence from ports
Pei Huang (ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research)
Can mining change regressive cultural norms? Evidence on acceptance of domestic violence and shared decision-making in india
James Ji (Brandeis)
Nutritional Impact of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in Rural China
Wumeng He (Duke)
Sustainable Agriculture, Residue Burning, and Urban Infant Mortality: Evidence from Mexico
Joel Ferguson (UC Berkeley)
Spillovers to Manufacturing Plants from Multimillion Dollar Plantations: Evidence from the Indonesian Palm Oil Boom
Sebastian Kraus (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change)
Draining the swamp: Wetlands, flood mitigation, and the Clean Water Act
Hannah Druckenmiller (UC Berkeley)
Inundated by change: The effects of land use on flood damages
Wesley Howden (UCSD)
Exploring the impacts of air pollution on sleep
Dheeya Rizmie (Imperial College London)
Pollution Monitoring, Strategic Behavior, and Dynamic Representativeness
Lin Yang (Cornell)
The Grandkids Aren’t Alright: The Intergenerational Effects of Prenatal Pollution Exposure
Jonathan Colmer (Virginia)
Earth, Wind, and Fire: The impact of anti-poverty efforts on Indian agriculture and pollution
Patrick Behrer (Stanford)
Free Power, Irrigation, and Groundwater Depletion: Impact of the Farm Electricity Policy of Punjab, India
Disha Gupta (Delhi School of Economics)
Strategic Shutdowns of Air Quality Monitors: Evidence from Jersey City and Across the U.S.
Eric Zou (Oregon)
Local public finance dynamics and hurricane shocks
Rhiannon Jerch (Temple)
The health effects of floods on the urban poor
Michelle Escobar (Monash)
Infrastructure Upgrades and Lead Exposure: Do Cities Face Trade-Offs When Replacing Water Mains
Ludovica Gazze (Warwick) with Jennifer Heissel
Levelized Full System Costs of Electricity: A Novel Approach to Evaluate Intermittent Generation
Robert Idel (Rice)
Large-Scale Wind Power Investment’s Impact on Wholesale Electricity Markets
Omer Karaduman (Stanford)
Bunching in Residential Electricity Consumption
Laura Grant (Claremont McKenna College) with Becka Brolinson
The Ins and Outs of Employment: Labor Market Adjustments to Carbon Taxes
Chi Man Yip (Calgary)
The problem with pricing “carbon”: exploring forest-driven albedo effects in DICELAND
Emily McGlynn (UC Davis)
Water Availability and Heat-Related Mortality: Evidence from South Africa
Kelly Hyde (Pittsburgh)
Effect of Nuclear Power Plants on Local Crop Yields
Daniyar Zhumadilov (NC State)
Women Leaders Improve Local Environmental Outcomes
Meera Mahadevan (UC Irvine)
Cap-and-trade vs. Carbon Taxes: Efficiency Implications of Emissions Price Volatility in the Power Sector
Felipe Gómez Trejos (ASU)
Adaptation to Natural Disaster through Better Information: Evidence from Home Seller Disclosure Requirement
Seunghoon Lee (Chicago)
Climate and Irrigated Agriculture: Evidence from Cash Rents
Nicholas Potter (Washington State)
Climate Change and Adaptation in Global Supply-Chain Networks
Nora Pankratz (UCLA)
Optimal Carbon Tax in Oligopolies: An Application to Commercial Aviation
Diego Cardoso (Cornell)
What Drives Battery Electric Vehicle Adoption?
Christina Gore (Ohio State)
Do Safety Inspections Improve Saftey? Evidence from the Saftey Inspection Program for Commercial Motor Vehicles
Yuanning Liang (Cornell)
Scenes from a Monopoly: Renewable Resources and Quickest Detection of Regime Shifts
Neha Deopa (The Graduate Institute, Geneva)
Information and Spillovers from Targeting Policy in Peru’s Anchoveta Fishery
Gabriel Englander (UC Berkeley)
Forest Landowner Harvest Decisions in a New Era of Conservation Stewardship and Changing Markets in Maine USA
Jianheng Zhao (Maine)
Size-Based Regulations and Environmental Quality: Evidence from the U.S. Livestock Industry
Chen-Ti Chen (Iowa State University)
Beyond Lights: The Changing Impact of Rural Electrification on Indian Agriculture
Sudatta Ray (Stanford)
The Economic Impact of Schistosomiasis
Daniele Rinaldo (The Graduate Institute, Geneva)
Pollution and Mortality: Estimating Damages Using Pollutant-Specific Abatement Technologies
Casey Rozowski (NC State)
Pollution and Acquisition: The Environmental Justice Effects of Mergers
Irene Jacqz (Harvard)
What Driving Bans Tell Us About the Lasting Health Legacy of Diesel Pollution
Hannah Klauber (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change)
Strategies, Renewables and Pass Through Costs in the German Day-Ahead Electricity Market
Gloria Colmenares (The University of Münster)
The Effect on Total Electricity Consumption of Behavioral Changes in Response to Time-Varying Pricing in the Residential Sector
Tabaré Capitán (University of Wyoming)
Contracting for Electricity in Low Income Countries: the Role of Liquidity Constraints and Transaction Costs
Megan Lang (UC Berkeley)